
I am Carlos Hugo Escobar, Colombian, 76 years old. In 2004 I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. For a long time I have taken medications to control hyperglycemia, cholesterol and triglycerides. Blood pressure has remained at stable and healthy levels. These medications have kept me at reasonable (yet still high) levels for these indicators. These are: cholesterol around 200, triglycerides around 150. Blood glucose around 120 and glycosylated hemoglobin around 7. At the beginning of 2022 I started taking a small spoonful of POLICANE dissolved in a glass of water with lemon juice, on an empty stomach, every day. I visit my internist every 3 to 4 months. At every opportunity, he reviews laboratory results. On my last visit to the doctor, he told me that in the 8 years or so that he has treated me, only now did I present the best laboratory results. Here are the readings:
Glycosylated hemoglobin: 6.3 Total cholesterol: 142.74 HDL cholesterol: 40.7 LDL cholesterol: 81.28 Triglycerides: 103.8 Blood pressure: 110/65
The attached documents include this photocopy of the last lab result and a summary of comparative results from previous tests.

To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Dan Hardy. I am 69 years old, who is a cancer survivor and suffers from high blood pressure. My cardiologist said that my heart function was very low. I was diagnosed with chronic systolic heart failure. Due to A-fib, they did a remapping of my heart.
I started using Policane about three months ago after my procedure. After about a month, after the procedure I went through another Echo and was told that my heart was in normal range and my blood pressure medications were reduced. Since then my energy level is up and I feel better. My blood pressure is more stable than it has been for a couple of years.
Since then, I try to take Policane more regularly, but my short term memory fails me at times. Luckily, if I am not sure if I took it or not, I can always take more. No fear of any overdose.

In 2018, after visiting my doctor and receiving the lab results, he pointed out that my Total Cholesterol was above 300, LDL (bad cholesterol) was over 200, and HDL (good cholesterol) was below 40. He prescribed atorvastatin, which I refused because of friends who had problematic side effects with this same drug. As a suggestion from a friend, who supplied me I began taking Policane sugar cane juice concentrate as a syrup. I have been taking it since that time, and as a result, my Total Cholesterol lowered to under 240, and I have continued to use it ever since. Two years ago I stopped taking Metformin and my glucose levels have remained the same.
In November of 2022, my wife, who suffers from advanced Alzheimer’s at a stage with impaired cognition, started consuming Policane. Her cognitive abilities have improved substantially. This means she is, at certain moments, able to answer questions correctly that she couldn’t before. Therefore, I have decided to continue consuming Policane for my wife and me.

I am writing this testimonial on behalf of my son, Ryan Mertins, who suffered a TBI in 2011 from football concussions. He basically lost his short term memory, he had a lesion on his left from the temporal lobe and the doctor stated that I probably needed to grieve the loss of my son as I knew him. You can well imagine this was very tough to hear as a mother.
I pursued extensive treatments at Neuro International. My son, Ryan, has been under the constant care of Dr. Puskar, a Neuro psych doctor. Ryan has been taking Envega, Fluoxetine and BuSparone throughout his treatment to maintain his level of anger, depression and anxiety.
Last year, at this time, the Gonzalez family learned of Ryan’s situation. They immediately said, “have your son start taking our product.” Remarkably, my son improved. His personality started coming back in his entire demeanor. It was more uplifting and happier. He became more communicative. I do not know or understand how this remarkable product works….all I know is it has made a phenomenal difference from my son.

We all know that sugar is not good for you, so in the last couple of years, I have been searching for a healthy alternative to sugar. I tried various natural sweeteners and sugar substitutes, until I finally came across Policane. Policane is raw sugar cane with policosanols in it. Policosanol is a nutritional supplement made from sugarcane that provides numerous health benefits. Therefore, Policane is a “healthy sweetener” that not only tastes great, but that also provides the body with countless health benefits.
In my case, my total cholesterol level was 255 in September 2021. I started taking 1 spoon of Policane with my coffee every morning. By November 2021, when I did my blood work again, my cholesterol level had dropped to 206. In only 2 months, my cholesterol levels dropped considerably without changing anything else in my diet, except for Policane. Even other parameters in my blood work also improved, and my functional medicine doctor was pleasantly surprised with my improvements.
In the case of my husband, he was consuming Policane sugar twice a day. He was exposed to COVID during the holidays but fortunately his immune system was so strong that he did not get sick at all.
I am amazed of all the nutritional benefits and health advantages to consuming Policane. For someone interested in maintaining a healthy body and staying healthy, there is no better choice than Policane!

My name is Ulises Osegueda, I am Costa Rican, 55 years old and I am a chemical engineer. I have always liked to play sports and exercise and take care of my diet. I am 1.77 m tall and weigh 70 kg. Even so, since I was young my total cholesterol has been above 220 mg/dL, which is considered unhealthy. As much as I have struggled with diets and exercising and sports (swimming, mountain biking, soccer, running), I had not been able to lower my total cholesterol.
Three years in one of my visits to my cardiologist, he prescribed the use of statins (prescription medications produced by the pharmaceutical industry to reduce the levels of cholesterol.) I told the doctor that I did not accept the treatment given that that I had read various scientific articles which demonstrated evidence of the negative side effects of these drugs. Amongst the negative effects there are muscle problems, liver damage and cognitive decline.
Although I have studied health and fitness, it was not until two years ago, specifically in the mid-2020, that through my job, I met Jorge Enrique Gonzalez, who had patented an innovative process that preserve policosanols in a new product derived from sugarcane called POLICANE ®. Mr. Gonzalez succeeded in developing a process that let policosanols (aliphatic alcohols contained in sugar cane) get incorporated into POLICANE, a natural sweetener full of antioxidants and minerals that promote good health. After Mr. Gonzalez explained to me all the benefits of the product, I started consuming POLICANE as a supplement about a year ago, since mid-2021. Recently, in my last blood test in March 2022, my total cholesterol was measured at 200 mg/dL, while in the previous analysis in my lab work in April 2020, resulted in a value of 245 mg/dL— a reduction of 18.4%! With POLICANE I have felt my improved physical health which has allowed me to excel in my sports performance. Also, my fasting glucose tests came back 82 mg/dL and at any time of the day it always gives me less than 100 mg/dL. My result for uric acid is 3.5 mg/dL, which is very low.
These results are consistent with clinical studies that have been conducted for policosanols and their effect on reducing total cholesterol. After further study on this product, I found that it is rich in antioxidants, even higher than many fruits such as berries (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, plums, cherries, etc.). I also found out that on the island of Okinawa in Japan, they consume a similar product and that this could be the cause of the longevity of the inhabitants of this island, which has led to this place being named one of the five Blue Zones of our planet. (Places where people live to be over 100 years of age and maintain themselves in good health without chronic disease problems).
At this moment in my life, I can attest that POLICANE with its policosanol content have brought hope to my life to reduce my levels of cholesterol and also to reverse the obstruction in my arteries that could occur with the passage of time. I say this because three years ago in a computer axial tomography of my lungs, which was performed to diagnose problems with a persistent cough it was discovered that I had a significant obstruction in the anterior descending coronary artery. Afterwards in another study which was performed as it is more specific, called calcium score, I got a score of 185 on a scale of 0-600, which indicates that that the obstruction is significant even though I have no associated symptoms.

In October of 2017, Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, diagnosed my husband Larry with LLC (chronic lymphoma leukemia). Larry had been ill for quite some time with symptoms of high blood pressure, major body fluid retention and kidney disease. His symptoms were being treated with blood pressure medications and diuretics without success gradually getting worse. At the time of his diagnosis, he was seriously ill, confined to a wheelchair and a candidate for dialysis.
Jefferson informed Larry that his LLC was a rare form of the disease, could not be cured but they could make it “livable”. In the beginning, Larry received
intravenous cancer treatments along with blood transfusions as he was quite anemic. He gradually transitioned from IV treatments to chemo pills along with blood pressure meds and diuretics. Weekly then monthly lab testing showed Larry was making a slow but steady climb back to health.
However, as his health improved, he continued to have much difficulty walking complaining often of pain in his legs.
In 2021, I met Isabela Gonzalez through our mutual interest in horses. She introduced Larry and I to her families’ Policane product. Upon hearing of Larry’s leg pain, she suggested that he take Policane to see if it might make a difference in how he felt.
Larry was very faithful about taking his meds and chemo pills so adding the good tasting Policane was easy. He took approximately 1 teaspoon daily and within a month his legs became pain free. Larry was able to walk and even climb stairs without trouble or pain.
Gradually, taking Policane daily, it became clear that Larry no longer needed blood pressure or diuretic medications and has stopped taking them. Larry’s most recent lab results June 2022 show he is at the high end of normal range for both blood and urine. An amazing result when you consider his LLc and age. At 82 years young, Larry is again active with a healthy glow to his body.
We are certain that Policane’s healing properties have made these remarkable changes possible.

I’m not one for writing reviews/testimonials however, after myself and my husband’s results, I decided that I was doing the public and this company a disservice. In December of 2022, we were fortunate to be given a few bags of Policane and have been taking 2 tsp. in the morning and 2 tsp. at night (I have mine in my tea, my husband eats it right out of the bag, men). We were told of claims other people on this product were making. Being a Registered Nurse for over forty years I was very skeptical, as I have heard it all on wonder products from my patients and yes even doctors, only to see no concrete results or evidence but much disappointment.
Our story: My husband, in his 60’s had a history of HTN (high blood pressure) running in the 190’s/90’s, in addition to high serum cholesterol levels. Since he has been taking Policane his BP has been running around the 120’s/70’s. His Serum cholesterol has gone from the high 200’s to under 200. Also, amazing is his HDL (good cholesterol) has gone up while his LDH (bad cholesterol) has gone down. He is taking NO medications! My story is basically the same, other than my cholesterol was over 300 and is now down under 200, and I have never had HTN. There are other changes that have happened to us, all for the good, however, I do not want to overwhelm anyone. I hope this product, Policane, can make its way into people’s lives. This truly works. Thank you for developing this amazing product and sharing it with the public instead of the pharmaceutical companies…..Vicki Stanislawski, Florida.