the sugar that the world needs.

so easy to use!

from nature.
centrifuging none of the natural bounties
of the cane are lost in production.
Non- Centrifuged
Fresh sugarcane juice is a natural healthy, nutritious food. Our sugar cane juice, POLICANE® (as crystals or syrup), preserves all the natural bounties of the cane: nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and policosanols.

Why should I Care
about policosanols?
In isolation, policosanols may be the most promising substance in recent history. Scientific studies and clinical trials from around the world have uncovered amazing health benefits of policosanols:
Exciting research indicates that policosanols may be useful in management of hypertension (raised blood pressure), elevated blood lipid levels (high cholesterol), increased blood glucose levels (diabetes) and obesity. See Related Studies – Policane. We are excited about these possibilities…

Reduce -21%
Total Cholesterol

Reduce -13%

Raises +36%
HDL Cholesterol

Reduce -29%
LDL Cholesterol
What users think!
“At the beginning of 2022 I started taking a small spoonful of POLICANE® dissolved in a glass of water with lemon juice, on an empty stomach, every day. I visit my internist every 3 to 4 months (…) On my last visit to the doctor, he told me that in the 8 years or so that he has treated me, only now did I present the best laboratory results”…
Vicky Hugo, Colombia
“In November of 2022, my wife, who suffers from advanced Alzheimer’s at a stage with impaired cognition, started consuming Policane. Her cognitive abilities have improved substantially. This means she is, at certain moments, able to answer questions correctly that she couldn’t before”…
Jaime Plata, DVM.
“At this moment in my life, I can attest that POLICANE with its policosanol content have brought hope to my life to reduce my levels of cholesterol and also to reverse the obstruction in my arteries that could occur with the passage of time”…
Ulises Osegueda, Costa Rica
“I do not know or understand how this remarkable product works… all I know is it has made a phenomenal difference from my son.”…
Janell Mertins
“I am amazed of all the nutritional benefits and health advantages to consuming Policane. For someone interested in maintaining a healthy body and staying healthy, there is no better choice than Policane!”…